20. A club may register any number of players with the Registrations Secretary using the online web portal at https://ecr.gmacl.cricket/, the players’ online application to be completed in full and verified by the club’s appointed Secretary and then it will be approved by the Registrations Secretary. This registration form must include the players signature using the web application, countersigned by an officer of the club and a suitable picture of the player uploaded. The player can only play when the registration process is completed and approved by the GMACL Registrations Secretary. The players registered online from the past season using https://ecr.gmacl.cricket/, do not need to be registered again for the following year, unless change of circumstances which may affect their eligibility such as change of personal details, change of club or team, change of teams playing in any other league. Clubs and player should consult with the Registrations Secretary in order to transfer the registered player from one to team to another, the existing/registered players do not have to register again if changing the club/team. A player can only be registered by fully completing the official player online registration form and each player must have their registration details entered onto the GMACL section of the ECB Play Cricket website which is https://gmacl.play-cricket.com using the registration process described on the Play Cricket website. Players may be registered and approved up to one hour before the scheduled start time on the day of the match for eligibility to play. If the Registrations Secretary has not received the form before this time, and providing time to complete approval, then the player(s) will not be approved for playing that day. The Registrations Secretary has the right to request formal proof of a player ID and address via passport, driving license etc where necessary. A player’s registration only comes into effect when the player takes part in an official fixture (including 12th Man) and his name and signature appear on an official team sheet. Once a player’s registration is completed the player cannot play for any other team. Clubs with multiple teams shall nominate their best six players from each of the higher placed before 31st May. From 1st June six nominated players from the first team can only play for the first team, six nominated players from the second team can only play for the first and second team. The nomination to be received in writing before the 31st May and will be subject to approval by the League Match Secretary and any dispute can only be resolved by the League Appeal Committee. A young player under the age of 18, their age group is based on their age at midnight on the 31st August in the preceding year. A young player may register in this League once they attain the age of thirteen. A young player shall be released from all age based restriction on attaining their 18th birthday except those covered by ECB regulations.
21. Overseas amateurs (not British citizens) shall be eligible for registration providing they have been continuously resident in the UK for 26 weeks prior to the date of registration. Clubs have the right to apply however if the player has been previously properly registered with this League within the last three seasons. These conditions are as defined by both LCF/ECB and The Home Office.
22. Clubs may de-register a player by written notification to the Registrations Secretary confirming the player has fulfilled all obligations to the club they are leaving. Once de-registered a player may register with any club per Rule 20. A player being refused de-registration by their club may appeal to the League Appeals Committee by writing to the League General Secretary giving all relevant details (there would not be an appeals fee in these circumstances) and must be dealt with within 10 days of the appeal being received. Clubs wishing to enact the de-registration of a player should consult the Registrations Secretary to follow process using the web portal. The Registrations Secretary will not accept a registration accompanied with a de-registration notification for a player who has played any weekend game(s) in the current season for the first teams of Professional or higher grade level list as detailed in Rule 23(b). A player can only de-register or transfer between teams in the GMACL once in each season. No player can be de-registered or transferred to another team after 1st August.
23. a. Professional or semi-professional players for the current and previous two years are not eligible for registration.
b. Players registered with another league recognised by ECB/LCF are eligible for registration, providing they are amateurs and are not playing weekend first team with a club at a Professional or higher grade level. The League Executive to provide at the start of the season a list of clubs considered to be Professional or Higher grade. Restrictions concerning other leagues do not apply to players under 18 years of age at the 31st August in the previous year.
c. The League shall promote young (under 18) players at every opportunity and where practical provide coaching, competitions and reward good performance by young players each season at the discretion of the League Executive Committee.
d. A team may change the date of a fixture if two or more players are selected to represent the League on the date of a team fixture. If a player is selected to represent the League and is declared unavailable for that date, the player shall not be eligible to play in any other fixture on that date (incl. 12th Man). All League and Representative teams must be selected and notified to clubs 14 days before the scheduled date of the League or Representative fixture. Any fixture cancelled per this rule must be re-arranged within four weeks as per rule 9.c.